Habelman Daffodil Saddle


Seidel’s Saddlery custom “Daffodil” saddle is one of the few saddles that Keith has tooled in a daffodil floral tooling pattern with a few acorn accents.  Specs are:  California Roper tree, 15 1/4″ seat, 4″ cantle, #1 Regular horn, shallow round skirts, in-skirt rigging, 3/4 tooled (smooth only where your leg goes when seated) in a daffodil floral pattern.  This saddle was designed and made for a lady, making it very strong, but lightweight —it was in the 28-30 pound range.  There was no rear rigging—the customer only pleasure rides so it was not a problem—and this omission helped to keep the weight down.

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